Sunday, June 28, 2009

To our fathers

Last Sunday was Father's Day and we made our first stop at Dad Martin's. We were so excited to give him this gift. We'd had it for about 2 months and it was finally time.The hat is the gift and it says, "Don't forget my Senior DISCOUNT!" It was so fun to see Jim's face when he opened it and started laughing. He has such a great sense of humor, we knew he'd appreciate it!

Second we went to Dad Hoffmann's where we spent time joking with him about all things shiny, including his head. Which lead to our gift of car washing supplies. We had found these rags that get rid of the streaks on the inside of your car windshield and we loved them so much, we had to share. After DELICIOUS shish kabobs, we made him chocolate cake with chocolate peanut butter frosting. A Hoffmann tradition. Overall it was a great day!!

We love our fathers!!

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