Alex and I celebrated our FIRST anniversary last Friday by going to the Zoo. We hadn't been for about 2 years and Jacob and Elaina asked if we'd like to go with them.

They have the new Madagascar exhibit and Alex really liked this flower. We also had to take a picture of him with the Peccary - it's from Paraguay.

My sweetheart

I really like giraffes, and this one had an unquenchable thirst. It was amazing to watch them drink because you could follow the path of the water, as they swallowed, all the way down the esophagus.

When we saw this animal I couldn't help but take a picture. It explains so much about Hoffmanns.... mostly Marlin Hoffmanns ;)

Turtle, turtle

hmmmm..... kind of close....

It was hot, and we wore poor Alex right out. Awwww They kind of look alike right?

We went to dinner at Olive Garden and shared the 5 cheese ziti - SO GOOD!! And of course the alfredo bowl

Apparently I DO MEASURE UP!!! :)

We finished off the evening with the movie UP - it was pretty funny.

The next day we had planned to go camping for the weekend with all our stuff we'd received from our wedding. Since we'd never used it, we wanted to try setting it up. When we set it up, we realized how amazing it is and sad that we hadn't used it before. THANK YOU Dad Martin!!

Believe it or not, Alex is a master chef ... around a campfire.... kind of ;) Dinner was DELISH

I'm actually not a marshmallow fan, but you've gotta have at least one s'more at a campfire. My real favorite is roasted Starbursts... soooo good.

My first mallow ended up charred and in the fire, so we had to capture the successful 2nd and final try.

Of course Alex finishing up the night with a Mt. Dew. He worked so hard that day and it was hot.

I tried standing in the smoke of the fire to avoid being bitten, we forgot the bug repellent. Wouldn't you know it didn't help at all. I went home with 11 mosquito bites. They must like my blood.

Overall it was a very successful first anniversary. We kept calling it our honeymoon on accident, but that's kind of what it feels like, even 365 days later. I love my hunnie and am so grateful that we have eternity to figure out all the kinks and have as much fun as possible, in the process. LOVE YOU!!
Sounds like it was a great day! You guys know how to celebrate an anniversary!!! What a cute couple!
I have a new little twist on the good 'ol s'more. . .it's one that you'll LOVE!! Guess that means we need to have a lil party! Congratulations on the Anniversary! I love you guys! And I'm so excited for you two!
What a fun anniversary and hey, if it feels like a honeymoon then keep calling it that!!
Happy anniversary! I can't believe it's already been a year! You guys look really happy! :)
Congratulations! Cute pictures
oh how I love you! Happy day of love to you two! Glad you were able to do something fun and exciting to celebrate! Second of all, did I ever thank you for your sweet card? Well, consider yourself thanked:) (is that a word?)
J and I are thinking about our 5 year anniversary coming around the corner. Can you believe it? What's wrong with us? We are supposed to have like 3.5 kids by now...:)
love you!
Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe it has already been a year!! Crazy! I'm so happy for you guys!!
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